Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Book Review: A Shot of Faith {to the Head} by Mitch Stokes, PhD

Book Review: A Shot of Faith {to the Head} by Mitch Stokes, PhD

When a book that involves critical thinking is recommended by foremost Christian thinker Alvin Plantinga you have got to get it and devour it.

Stokes delivers a well-informed response to the not-so-well-informed attacks of the so-called New Atheism. Stokes proves that there is hardly anything "new" or worthwhile about the atheist movement of the 21st century.

He takes atheist writers' own words and analyzes them with razor-sharp philosophical rigor; once measured, such arguments are found wanting.

Although I would not recommend the book to beginner apologists, it is a great book for those interested in thinking beyond the rhetoric to the (very few) actual arguments the new atheists and their ilk have fabricated to try to unseat the Unmoved Mover.

Disclosure: A copy of the book was received for free from the Thomas Nelson Publisher's BookSneeze review program. The program does not require a positive review, only a truthful one.
