Friday, February 22, 2013

Book Review: Jesus the Messiah

Book Review: Jesus the Messiah: Tracing the Promises, Expectations, and Coming of Israel’s King

by Herbert W. Bateman IV, Darrell L. Bock, Gordon H. Johnston

The hard cover is nicely designed and the full color graphics, maps and text boxes inside make it easy on the eyes and are helpful for understanding certain concepts/comparisons. One thing this book does is use footnotes instead of endnotes. Kudos! Having to go to the back of the book every time I want more information on something is usually a pain (!) and the publishers of Jesus the Messiah made it really easy to just look at the bottom of the page to find that information. To other academic publishers: Footnotes should be used every time!

The book’s content is excellent. It is obvious that the writers are experts in their fields and have thought long and hard on these issues. The introduction is a must-read to understand the background and presuppositions the writers bring to their trade, as well as the way the book is to be understood. I agree with the authors that if God is the One that inspired and superintended the writing and preservation of the Scriptures, then the canonical contextual interpretation is to be preferred and keeps in sight the big picture of God’s unfolding revelation.

The use of an actual Hebrew font for certain words when needed is great. Also, the indexes at the back of the book are very useful, especially the Scripture index, which is the first place I go to in academic books when researching a specific Scripture. The time it saves the reader is exponentially huge over time.

I will confess that I spent more time with Johnston’s contribution of the “Messianic Trajectories in Isaiah” because I am working on a thesis on the subject. I have to say the amount of research and the fact that the authors are conversant with both classic and up to date works was refreshing.

I am personally more conservative than some of the positions the authors have to accept in order for their work to be respected in academia. Conservative Christians should know they don’t have to accept every conclusion the authors arrive at. Look at the evidence and make up your own mind. Otherwise, the book is highly recommended.

Disclosure: The book was received for free from Kregel Academic & Ministry review program. The program does not require a positive review, only a truthful one.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Global-Warming Deception by Grant R. Jeffrey

The Global-Warming Deception

Global warming’s hidden agenda: a global socialist government 

The worldwide effort to combat man-made global warming is history’s most far-reaching hoax. In The Global-Warming Deception, Grant R. Jeffrey documents the orchestrated campaign of political pressure, flawed science, and falsified data—all designed to sell an environmental lie and bring the West to its knees.

United Nations agencies use the threat of rising ocean levels, crop failure, expanding deserts, and the extinction of species to convince western nations to surrender their sovereignty. As these developments play out, we see the globalists consolidating their power.
In The Global-Warming Deception, you will find proof that:

   • Laws and regulations to reduce carbon emissions are designed to destroy the free-enterprise system and drain wealth from western nations.

   • The religion of eco-fundamentalism denies the existence of God and substitutes in His place the worship of the earth.

   • The coming economic collapse, hastened by global-warming laws, will lead to international chaos. A one-world government will be presented as the solution, followed by the arrival of the Antichrist. Your liberty is at stake. Now is the time to learn all you can about the socialist-Marxist elite that is advancing the false threat of global warming—the most deadly deception in history.
The Global-Warming Deception
224 pages
Retail: $14.99

Our price: $5.99