Friday, April 3, 2015

Book Review: 40 Questions About Creation and Evolution

For those not afraid to hear real answers


Book Review: 40 Questions About Creation and Evolution by Kenneth D. Keathley and Mark F. Rooker

Today’s academic setting is dismissive of those that would question evolution as an established scientific fact. This is very unfortunate. If they could but give the other side a hearing, they would find beneficial information.

Most of the time the problem has been with authors that have a need to communicate on this topic to the masses that may not understand the scientific or biblical concepts behind the debate. Evolutionists dismiss anyone with a similar point of view.

I hope they give this book a chance. It is written at a more scholarly level, it contains hundreds of footnotes and it is respectful of opposing views. They engage the issues critically, biblically, and scientifically. The book has review questions at the end of each chapter, which should help the reader focus what they got out of the book in order to share with others (maybe in a series of church lectures?).

Some topics would have benefitted from illustrations to make the concepts clear; other than that, this is a much needed voice for today’s apologetic endeavors.

4/5 Stars

Disclosure: The book was received for free from Kregel book review program. The program does not require a positive review, only an unbiased one.