Basic Apologetics it is…
Book Review: Reasons
for Belief: Easy-to-Understand Answers to 10 Essential Questions by Norman
L. Geisler and Patty Tunnicliffe
An interesting basic Apologetics introduction that distills
some of Geisler’s other writings on the subject in a handy way. It may be a
good primer for someone new to the subject of confronting unbelief in the
living God.
The authors are careful to define what important words like
“resurrection” and “miracle” mean. So many times in discussing the faith with
unbelievers, both sides assume they are speaking the same language when in
reality they are not. It is a basic flaw that must be corrected if we are to
understand each other and reach conclusions that are not only helpful but also
valid; other that that, not much is new nor is the approach groundbreaking.
As with a few other books by Geisler, one has the suspicion
that he just added his name to one of his student’s works so that they would
sell. Of course, this is just an assumption and, in the end, should not
influence one’s decision to buy a book that may be helpful. For your money,
Strobel’s “The Case for…” books may
be more suitable for beginners (and more complete).
Disclosure: The book was
received for free from Bethany House book review program. The program does not
require a positive review, only an honest one.
3/5 Stars