Book Review: 40 Questions About the Historical Jesus by C. Marvin Pate
Kregel is publishing some exciting books; I am a fan of this series (did I say that before? It’s still true). If you’ve had questions on all the talk about “the historical Jesus”, this is a good book to begin your quest for understanding.
Pate is a first-rate scholar, highly respected, and
sometimes he is even correct in his stances. He is well-read and is able to
write in a non-academic way, which sometimes is lacking on other scholars.
;-) Furthermore, this is not a skeptic voice, but a believing one. Pate is a
conservative, but that does not mean he is not a careful scholar (isn’t it sad
I have to make sure to point this out? Liberal propaganda certainly colors the
way people see Bible-believers). You will find some good answers for those that
assert the Gospel stories cannot be taken as historical truth.
Again, this is a good primer on the topic and I think you could do much worse than this series by Kregel.
4/5 Stars
Disclosure: The book was received for free from Kregel Academic & Ministry book review program. The program does not require a positive review, only a truthful one.