Thursday, November 21, 2013

Book Review: Raising a Lady in Waiting


Book Review: Raising a Lady in Waiting: Parent’s Guide to Helping Your Daughter Avoid a Bozo
By Jackie Kendall

Based on principles the author finds in the Book of Ruth, she helps mothers navigate the difficult waters on raising a virtuous young lady in a world filled with “Bozos.” She wants to make sure no young lady will sell herself short or be entangled with someone not deserving of her qualities.

Among the unforgettable lessons taught is the one about the “Ideal Mom—Former Prostitute” Rahab, who raised her son to be a godly example for many generations to come: Boaz. The same man who would eventually be in the genealogy of the Messiah of Israel.

The book is based on Kendall’s previous book, “Lady in Waiting” where she shares the principles she followed to find herself a “Boaz” (the virtuous “hero” in the Book of Ruth) instead of ending up with a “Bozo” for a husband.
Our young girls need this book. Youth workers need this book. Every mother needs this book. I even think every father should read this book and teach its principles to every boy.

Unfortunately, the book is written for mothers about daughters only. Also, the book could be better edited (how many times does the reader need to see the play on words, “Boaz” vs. “Bozo”? We got the point in the Preface, thank you), but the advice is timely and the strategies priceless. I recommend the book to any parent of a girl.

4/5 Stars

Disclosure: The book was received for free from Net Galley book review program. The program does not require a positive review, only an honest one.